CTI STD-201RS (17) Standard for the Certification of Water Cooling Tower Thermal Performance standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2017
CTI STD-167 (17) Gear Speed Reducers for Application on Air Cooled Condensers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 08/01/2017
CTI STD-202 (17) Standard for Publication of Custom Cooling Tower Thermal Performance Test Results standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 09/01/2017
CTI STD-154 (17) Cooling Tower Filemant Wound Fiberglass Piping Systems standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2017
CTI WTG-141 (16) Application of Oxidizing Biocides standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2016
CTI STD-163 (15) Standard for Vibration Limits in Water Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 04/01/2015
CTI ATC-128 (14) Test Code for Measurement of Sound From Water-Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/01/2014
CTI PTG-156 (14) Preparation For an Official CTI Thermal Performance, Plume Abatement, Or Drift Emission Test standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/01/2014
CTI STD-201RS (13) Performance Rating of Evaporative Heat Rejection Equipment standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 08/01/2013
CTI STD-201OM (13) Operations Manual for Thermal Performance Certification of Evaporative Heat Rejection Equipment standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 08/01/2013
CTI TP08-03 Recycled Water for Cooling 4000oF Melted Sand standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 Dr. Marcus N. Allhands and Tom Broderick, Orival, Inc.
CTI TP08-02 Evaluating Your Cooling Tower standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 Richard DesJardins, DesJardins Consulting