CTI TP08-19 Dolphin 'Pulsed Power' Cooling Water Treatment standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 David Alley, Clearwater Systems and Paul Puckorius, Puckorius and Associates
CTI TP08-17 The Conversion From Gas to Tablet Chlorination: A Case Study standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 Austin Looper, PPG Industries, and Billy Smith, ChemTreat, Inc.
CTI TP08-20 Seismic Qualification of Cooling Towers by Shake-Table Testing standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 Panos G. Papavizas, P.E., Baltimore Aircoil Company
CTI TP08-21 A Low-Cost, Safe, Effective Halogen Disinfectant for Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 Rodney Herrington and Susan B. Rivera, Miox Corporation
CTI TP08-22 Construction Productivity Guidelines for Field Erected Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 James Baker, Composite Cooling Solutions, L.P.
CTI TP08-23 Tracking Molybdate in Cooling Water standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/07/2008 Vadim B. Malkov and Phil Kiser, Hach Company; Blaine Nagao, Chemical, Inc.; and Steve Dumler, H2Tronics
CTI ATC-140 (11) Isokinetic Drift Test Code standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2011
CTI ATC-107 (11) Test Code for Aircooled Condensers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2011
CTI ATC-150 (11) CTI Code Tower Standard Specifications for Acceptance Test Procedure for Wet-Dry Plume Abatement Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2011
CTI 105 S (11) Supplement to CTI Code Tower Standard Specifications for Acceptance Test Code for Closed Circuit Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2011
CTI ATC-106 (11) Acceptance Test Code for Mechanical Draft Evaporative Vapor Condensers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2011
CTI STD-201 (11) Standard for Thermal Performance Certification of Evaporative Heat Rejection Equipment standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 04/01/2011