CTI BUL-145 (11) CTI Code Tower Standard Specifications for International System of Units (SI) Conversion Standard standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2011
CTI STD-202 (11) CTI Code Tower Standard Specifications for Standard for Publication of Custom Cooling Tower Thermal Performance Test Results standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2011
CTI ESG-138 (09) Long Term Storage Procedures for Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 10/01/2009
CTI ESG-121 (09) Construction Safety and Health Guidelines standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 10/01/2009
CTI STD-131 (09) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panels standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2009
CTI ESG-120 (09) Lightning Protection System Guideline standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 03/01/2009
CTI STD-112 (09) CTI Code Tower Standard Specifications for Pressure Preservative Treatment of Lumber standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/01/2009
CTI STD-111 (09) Gear Speed Reducers for Application on Industrial Water Cooling Towers standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 02/01/2009
CTI STD-146 (08) CTI Code Tower Standard Specifications for Standard for Liquid Flow Measurement standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 09/01/2008
CTI WTB-148 (08) Legionellosis - Guideline: Best Practices for Control of Legionella standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2008
CTI WTG-155 (08) Internal Plant Cooling Water Reuse standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 07/01/2008
CTI STD-154 (08) Cooling Tower Filemant Wound Fiberglass Piping Systems standard by Cooling Technology Institute, 04/01/2008